Another sunny day! I made up a picnic lunch and with my map to hand set off to find Ormesby church. It was right by the main road and thankfully there was a huge car park. Hamish and I had a good wander around and then returned to the car.

A quick check at my map and I drove on to find Filby church which I eventually found after missing the little road that led to it. I was hoping to find the name Shrimpling here but I was unlucky.

I was now thinking about somewhere to stop for lunch and drove to the parking area at the far side of Filby bridge. Unfortunately you couldn’t see any water from the car park and dogs were not allowed on the walk to Ormesby Little Broad …

I took a short walk to Filby bridge but it just took me back to the main road …

Plan B was needed and so I drove to Thurne Dyke, parked on the Staithe, took my chair and lunch and sat in brilliantly warm sunshine to enjoy my sandwich …

Hamish seemed to have spotted something but I’ve no idea what it was!

After eating I took my chair to the entrance of the dyke and sat in the sunshine watching the world go by. It was so relaxing …

I had a look around the little shop ‘Ramblers’ and then called in to see Crocus on my way back to site …

Nick and Dave had been busy since my last visit.

As I was leaving my phone rang and it was Sue Hines from the blog ‘Lady Louise’. Each year she produces beautiful calendars and as she had been helping with the Barton Regatta she was calling in to the campsite to deliver mine today. We’d followed each others blogs, messaged and emailed but had never met. She joined us in the motor home and we had a lovely chat over a cuppa. Thank you Sue for another brilliant calendar especially for March 2015 which features Sally!