I still can't believe that by the end of today we will be the proud owners of a Broads River Cruiser. After parking at Cox's Boatyard we were straight down to see Crocus and to remove the horrible For Sale board which was hanging from her bowsprit. After speaking to Simon her owner for just seven more hours, we had been given permission to go on board and do whatever we wanted to her. After removing her cover we photographed her from all angles and in every nook and cranny! I won't bore you all with the photos taken in lockers but here are just a few ...
After lunch we went into Wroxham and bought Crocus a present - a Log Book ...
and then it was back to the yard and after lowering her mast we removed all the running rigging.
We took photos of everything so we know where to put it when she eventually comes back here after restoration.
She doesn't have much in the way of mod cons but there is a two burner gas hob and grill and a load of cushions which will make up into a double berth where Hamish made himself quite at home!
We then put the cover back on her and waited for Simon to arrive so that we could pay him and she really would be officially ours.
He duly arrived after work and brought the outboard for us which was to prove quite an interesting problem of where to put it overnight! We decided the safest place was in the RV with us! Apparently there had been a few thefts of bicycles from the campsite and so the Warden warned us to keep it away from prying eyes. It wouldn't be my choice to share my bedroom with an outboard but what the heck!
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