It's Mothering Sunday and for the first time in very many years I have both my boys with me today. As I appeared from our room I was presented with cards and gifts and a most wonderful breakfast spread was on the table ...

We had smoked salmon muffins followed by croissants and accompanied by Bucks Fizz and coffee! What a start to the day!The salt and pepper set and chocolate were my presents along with the cards.
I wandered over to the pub area to dispose of our rubbish and saw this little chap quite happily sitting for me to take his photo ...

We moved over so that we could fill up with water again and I had a chat with several locals so that it was mid-morning before we left Ranworth.

It was a beautiful day as we left the Broad and we passed several yachts who were out enjoying a Sunday sail ...

As we approached St Benedict's Church staithe we noticed it was vacant and so moored there for the first time ever.

This lovely stone was placed amongst the grass - it must have been a favourite place of someone's grandad ...

We decided to have a walk up to the church before coffee and we could hear the Sunday Service taking place. The church looked lovely with all the daffodils in flower ...

Then it was back to the boat making sure that the gate was closed!

and coffee-time ...

We moved off again ...

and headed for Horning where we were very lucky and managed to moor on the Staithe for lunch and a wander around ...

When we left we passed this building which was in the process of being built the last time we were here ...

Quite a transformation! We went into Wroxham and dropped the mudweight while we had a cuppa and watched the afternoon racing ...

Then it was off to our chosen spot for the night - Salhouse Broad ...

We closed the boat up, paid our mooring fees of £6 and set off for a walk. This is a private broad and so we have to pay to stay here but as most of the moorings are free we are always happy to pay and help with the upkeep of such a fabulous place. At the end of the track we found this sign ...

With one pub a 20 minute walk away and one only a 10 minute walk away where do you think we went? The Fur and Feather of course! Just before we reached it I saw this sign on the gate to the village hall ...

Brilliant - I loved it!
The Fur and Feather ...

Not dog friendly inside but it was dry and not too cold so we all sat outside and enjoyed not only a drink but free wi-fi too!! On our way back I spotted this lovely cottage with an immaculate front garden ...

Unfortunately my photo doesn't really do it justice as it was perfect. Back on the track again and time to climb the tree which is hollow ready for a photo ...

We ended Mothering Sunday with a fantastic roast - what a treat on the boat ...

Thank you all for a simply lovely day xxx
1 comment:
What a fabulous Mothering Sunday you had. Lovely photos again.
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