While out walking Hamish this morning I stood in front of the Herbert Woods webcam and rang Pam back in Cornwall. We had a lovely chat and then I rang Simon and asked him to capture of photo of me …

Simon had brought his mountain bike with him and after studying the OS map he decided on a route for a ride. He’d repaired a puncture last night and so was ready to go this morning …

He cycled to Hickling via the riverside track, Ludham, St Benet’s Abbey then back to the cottage in time for lunch.
While he was out I was on the laptop watching out for the boys as they were approaching Wroxham. The Barnes Brinkcraft webcam was being monopolised by me!! I soon saw them & followed them right up to the bridge where they turned into the basin …

I then saw them waving on the bridge before catching them as they left …

The plan for the first part of the afternoon was to check out the gravestones at both Martham and Acle churches. We began by driving directly to Martham despite a load of road signs saying that the road was closed! Another lovely church but no ancestors …

On to Acle where I was in luck …

Simon and Mike popped into Budgens while I was grave-hunting and then as we were on the south side of the Bure we thought we’d surprise the boys by stopping by at Ranworth. Once again Ibiza was locked up and the boys were off walking Ozzie! I nipped into the shop before it closed and the boys arrived back while I was in there. We managed to talk them into brewing up before we left and with the wind already blowing it was warm and cosy aboard.
We left Ranworth and re-traced our route back via Acle to the cottage. It was very windy now and the rain arrived …

It stopped raining so that I could walk Hamish and we had a lovely pink sky …